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What is a safelink?

Safelink is a service or tool designed to enhance the security and safety of external links on websites. It is commonly used in situations where website owners want to protect their users from potentially harmful or malicious links. Safelink acts as an intermediary between the original link and the user, adding an additional layer of verification or redirection.

When a user clicks on a Safelink-protected link, they are typically redirected to a verification page. This page often presents users with a set of tasks or captchas to complete, ensuring that they are genuine human users and not automated bots. Once the verification process is successfully completed, the user is redirected to the intended destination link.

The purpose of Safelink is to prevent users from inadvertently visiting harmful websites or clicking on malicious links that could lead to malware infections, phishing attempts, or other security risks. It adds an extra level of protection by validating the authenticity of the user and the safety of the destination link before granting access.

Safelink services are commonly used in various contexts, such as download sites, affiliate marketing, and websites that share external links frequently. By implementing Safelink, website owners can help safeguard their users' online experiences and maintain a secure browsing environment.

Safelink Page Demo and Code


Go to Blogger Dashboard > select menu Page.

Click the NEW PAGE button.

In the column Title, fill in the title Generator SafeLink.

In the post edit section select menu HTML View, copy and paste the HTML script below:

Once everything is configured, click the Publish button.

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